Friday, April 30, 2010


The waves at Dhead is solid 3 feet on the sets but kind of windy! Should have some small swells the next couple days and it looks like it might rain pretty hard on Sunday. So get in the water now!

Birthday Party!

Today me and Takako made dinner for rest of our family and Arden. We ate some mean hamburger steak!

After dinner we went to Uncle Bo's to celebrate Keegan and Juri's Birthday!

Everybody was down there so we all had a good time!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The waves in town are 2ft now. Kind of side onshore. Not looking too good...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Still get some waves in town but its a lot smaller than yesterday. Get some 3ft sets once in a while. Its more windy too. But not too crowded

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just got out of the water and the waves were pretty good! Lining up better than yesterday and bigger too. U just have to wait a while for the sets.
owded and fat high tide at 330.
The waves at dhead is pretty slow. Solid 3ft on the sets and sideshore. Ala mo is also 3ft with little better conditions than yesterday. But its still cr

Got waves!

I know the waves were not as big as every thought it was going to be but that is always the case for town. But at least we still had some solid 4 foot sets toward the evening. It was definetly bigger in the evening! But it was super crowded!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More smaller

The waves are more smaller today but don't worry get plenty of waves coming soon!

Small waves

Had some small waves in town today. Here is da Moke Jack Stance @ Concessions.

Nice Sunset!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More pics!

Got this pic from Kaz's blog!

Jumping picture!! All photos taken by Papa.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Kaito's new blog

Kaito got a blog now. But I'm sure that it won't be updated in a month or so. So check it out now.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just Married!!!

Just got Married with Takako on 4/8/10 at Kahala Beach!!!

We had a small ceremony on the beach with our family.

Since we couldn't invite everyone, we went to visit them!

My new wife Takako and my sister Kelly

Had lunch at Kahala Mandarin and the food was good!

A big THANK YOU to Dra and Ricardo for taking pictures and video! All these pictures on this blog are from my camera so a lot more better pictures coming soon!

Also another big THANK YOU to Pastor Fujinami for counseling us and making our marriage a very special day!

I just want to thank all my friends and family, my sponsors, and everybody who supported me thru out my life. I can't express how thankful I am to have all these wonderful people around me! Without all of you guys I wouldn't be who I am today. When I graduate next year I will be having a big party so please come and celebrate with us! Mahalo!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Small waves

Here is Bowls in the evening. Super crowded for how flat it is!

Yesterday me and Takako went to go eat with Arden at Hinode Mizunone. The food was Ono.

Taking a break at Ice palace.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ice palace madness

Yesterday me and my friends went to Ice Palace. They had Limbo as one of the games so me, Takako, Ryo, and Roy participated. Here is a video of all of us getting knocked out. I almost made it but my had touched.

Earlier rounds!

Classic Heats

Rip Curl Contest is on! Right now it's OCCY VS CURREN. Here is the classic heat
of 1986 at Bells beach.

Here is a classic heat of Kelly and Rob. Bunch of 10 pt rides in this heat.

Friday, April 2, 2010


I went to yogurt land today and I never knew that they can pack it up like this if you want to take out! Pretty cool.

Ate some mean ice cream after my session.

Here is how the waves looked from shore. It's actually better when you get out there.