Sunday, July 5, 2009

Final at Chikura

Here's a short video of the final at Chikura. This was the first contest of the JPSA series. THe waves were about 2 feet and super offshore!!! Couldn't do anything cause the waves were super fast and offshore. check it out.


Takeshi & Ena said...

I'm Takeshi that you've met at the Shizunami contest. I think you didn't remember me.
Do you understand if it is said the friend in Jason?

I took some your riding movies.
Soooooo cool!!

Please check it out!

GenkiSushi said...

Thanks for the Video Takeshi!
Are you coming to Mabo?

Takeshi & Ena said...

Your welcome!Genki!
We're gonna to the Mabo.
See you in the Mabo!