This is what I eat from Breakfast! Hahaha! Check how big the strawberry is. This one was the only Brownie with the Strawberry on top and I took it! Hahahah. Lately I've been taking plenty of things. Yesterday there was a cherry wave and I dropped in on Arden and I was noseriding in the pocket the whole wave! The noseride must've been over 10 seconds long and he was just watching from the back. Hahaha! Guarantee he's going to get be back soon. Lol.
Prime rib for breakfast! Cheee hoooo!
Here's the pool side at the Hotel. Sickkkk!
The beach side is also nice. Get choke Stand Up Paddles in the Bay! We're going to go surf pretty soon. Not that much waves today but we'll see what we can find. See you later!